Making the most of your office notice board space


Making the most of your office notice board space

Notice boards are one of the most constructive tools in your arsenal. They can help you promote crucial information or give you and your staff a space to be creative while having some fun with the rest of the office. A notice board should be as interactive as it is informative, otherwise you’ll see it getting walked past day after day.

Create a workplace community

To create a community around your office notice board, you must first get people to take notice of the board. You can do this in a number of ways: Buy a brightly coloured and professionally created notice board which complements its surroundings, put up a handful of notices or shout-outs to grab people’s attention, or even advertise something on the board. Your staff and colleagues need a reason to focus on the posts on the board, otherwise it’s just unnecessary literature that they’ll only read when they’re bored.

Use colour

By using colour-coded pens and paper, you can easily create a system that your staff will understand. Important notices can use one colour, while employee recognition uses another, and advertisements use another. When putting up advertisements, make sure to separate company-related sales, training opportunities, and holidays from personal advertisements. Staff should be able to utilise the noticeboard, too, but you might want to give them their own section and square it off from the rest of the board.

Segment your notice board

You could easily create an employee-only section on one part of the board and add a bright border around the edges of the section to separate it from more important notices. Right next to this section, in the centre of the board and near the top, you should include an inspirational section to help with employee positivity. This is the section where you should post about employee achievements as well as any extra training that staff can attend.

Invite staff feedback

Underneath the inspirational section, make sure to include somewhere for your staff to write anonymous feedback. This section should not be monitored but should be taken and replaced each week so your staff know someone is looking at it.

Read more: Design Factors to Consider for Your Modern Office

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